This is the first screen you see when starting HVAC-Calc.

The first screen you see when starting HVAC-Calc Residential 4.0 or Commercial 4.0

HVAC-Calc is built for ease of use. The opening screen lists all the jobs you have done, unless they have been deleted or moved to 'Cold Storage'. As the list gets longer, rather than delete old jobs, you can just move them to Cold Storage and then if you ever need them, you can bring them back again.

You can also sort the list of jobs by clicking on 'Name', 'Street' or 'Last Modified'. This will become useful when you have a longer list of jobs. 'New Job' will always be at the top and is the selection you make if you want to start a new load calculation.

HVAC-Calc also makes it very easy to start a job on your laptop and then move it, using a floppy disk, to your desktop computer. This can also be used to move jobs between home and work.

There is no annoying copy protection scheme and you are automatically licensed to use the program on three computers.

Before we start our tour, let's take a look at a completed house. Next screen on tour.

Tour Map
You Are Here >> Opening Screen

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8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m 7 days/week
Next Stop >> Completed House
Start a New House
Set Design Conditions
Add Infiltration
Add First Floor
Add Living Room
Living Room Floor
Add the West Wall
Add the Window
Check Results as You Go
Summary Room-by-Room Report
Very Detailed Report
Duct Sizing Report
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